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Winston Churchill was a Wise (AD) Man!


Winston Churchill once defined success as the ability of moving from failure-to-failure without any loss of enthusiasm. That very same ability defines any successful advertising company or ad executive. Not every advertising campaign will be a hit, in fact many campaigns fail for many reasons that have no relationship to the campaign itself. The fluidity of the American business ecosystem is a constantly changing dynamic of continuous actions and reactions.


In other words, nothing ever sits still in the American capitalist environment.


The best advertising agencies learn and adapt from both their ‘hits’ and ‘misses’. Some advertising and marketing strategies are so successful that clients keep implementing them for decades. Nike’s ‘JUST DO IT’ campaign and Taco Bell’s ‘VALUE MENU’ are good examples of how successful brands can keep growing through continuity and operational excellence.


“Change for the sake of change is not necessarily a blueprint for future success,” according to Fran Yanity, The PM Group’s President and Chief Operating Officer. “Change is quite often the result of an ad agency driving their own revenues versus what’s best for the client,Yanity added.


Another famous Winston Churchill quote is important to keep in mind as well……” Those who choose to ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.



About The PM Group: The PM Group was founded in 1988. For over 33 years, the agency has continued to grow and is San Antonio’s largest advertising agency. The PM Group’s client roster spans numerous industries including home services, automotive, CPG, entertainment and sports marketing, legal, business services, non-profits, real estate and fitness. For two consecutive years now, the Agency has set annual revenue records with the addition of six new clients and through the continued success of our existing clients. Additionally, the agency hosts their annual Charity Gala that to date has raised millions of dollars for local San Antonio area non-profit organizations in the last 15 years! In 2020 alone, the Agency donated over $1,050,000 to local non-profits. It is our way of giving back to the community that we so humbly serve.

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The PM Group is the largest Advertising & Marketing Agency in San Antonio and South Texas. We look forward to connecting with you.


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