Agency News
You may have seen a new feature in the San Antonio Express News called ‘Making a Difference in San Antonio’ found in the SA INC business portion of the Sunday edition of the newspaper. This feature is underwritten by The PM Group to highlight causes near and dear to our agency. Every few weeks, the story focus features a San Antonio charity making a difference in our community.
On Sunday, May 2nd, JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) was The PM Group’s featured nonprofit.
Why we chose them…
All of the charities featured in this special agency-funded section have special ties to our hearts. JDRF in particular is very special to me. In May of 2020, one of my daughters, 11 years old at the time, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Most people have heard of Type 2 Diabetes which is far more common, especially amongst adults, and is manageable with diet, exercise and medication if needed. However, Type 1 Diabetes is rare and often presents itself in children, even babies. T1D is an autoimmune disease that destroys the beta cells in the pancreas which produces insulin. No amount of diet and exercise can help. Until 100 years ago when insulin was discovered, Type 1 Diabetes was a death sentence with a maximum 2-year life expectancy post diagnosis.
In the past 100 years though, tremendous strides have been made in Diabetes research, specifically in Type 1 Diabetes research through JDRF. This organization is at the forefront of finding a cure to this terrible, life changing disease. After my family’s life was turned upside down with this diagnosis, JDRF was there for us, sending us our first box of T1D information, including a special T1D teddy bear for my daughter. They have led the way in discovering continuous glucose monitors that are truly lifesaving and are on the cusp of discovering even more life changing therapies. For these reasons and many more, our marketing and advertising agency team selected JDRF as our featured nonprofit organization for Making a Difference in San Antonio.
And finally, as the leading San Antonio advertising agency based here in South Texas, organizationally we are deeply compelled to assist the non-profit organizations in our community that truly make a difference in our day-to-day lives. Every month, The PM Group will continue to share the stories of these incredible organizations and the people we owe so much to…especially when our very own families are impacted.
Fran Yanity
President | Chief Operating Officer