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Sales Records Are Made to Be Broken-Part 1

Business has been very tough for many companies, attractions, hotels, restaurants, business organizations, and non-profits this past year. COVID-19 did not discriminate. Sales revenues fell sharply for most and the rebound to 2019 levels has been tough.

Very tough, but not impossible!

Many of The PM Group’s clients have just completed a record month…as in…the best of all-time type of record month!

San Antonio area IHOP Restaurants completed a phenomenal month in March, including their two best sales weeks ever! Congrats are in order to their entire organization, but that’s not the whole story. Since May 1st last year, the San Antonio IHOP franchise group has led the nation in comeback sales across the entire IHOP system.

There is one thing that has driven The PM Group to become the top marketing agency in the San Antonio and South Texas region…great results!  When our clients excel at the cash register, we are more than an ad agency, we are an accomplished business development firm.

That is why The PM Group has retained most clients for decades. We are now in our 22nd year with IHOP restaurants across the Southwest Region of the United States and we look forward to many more years of service and setting even more sales records!

About The PM Group: The PM Group was founded in 1988. For over 33 years, the agency has continued to grow and is San Antonio’s largest advertising agency. The PM Group’s client roster spans numerous industries including automotive, CPG, entertainment and sports marketing, legal, business services, non-profits, real estate and fitness. For two consecutive years now, the Agency has set annual revenue records with the addition of six new clients and through the continued success of our existing clients. Additionally, the agency hosts their annual Charity Gala that to date has raised millions of dollars for local San Antonio area non-profit organizations in the last 15 years! In 2020 alone, the Agency donated over $1,050,000 to local non-profits. It is our way of giving back to the community that we so humbly serve.

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The PM Group is the largest Advertising & Marketing Agency in San Antonio and South Texas. We look forward to connecting with you.


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San Antonio, TX 78229

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