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The PM Group Embraces Their Geekness

The PM Group Logo with Sunglasses

We thought it was the perfect day to reflect on the things our PM Groupers secretly, and not so secretly, geek out about on Embrace Your Geekness Day. See anything that you can relate to?  Share it with us and your other geeky pleasures on our Facebook page.

Organizational spreadsheets

Our account service team can’t wait to geek out about the best organization spreadsheets to track their client to do items and projects. There’s no better satisfaction than staring at a long list of check marks knowing you’ve accomplished a great day’s work.

Harry Potter Marathons

It wouldn’t be rare for some of our employees to kick back on the couch on the occasional weekend and geek out with a Harry Potter marathon at home.  Who doesn’t love the epic tale of The Boy Who Lived fighting against He Who Must Not Be Named battling for the greater good?

Fantasy Football

There are a few employees yearning for fall, and not just for the cooler weather, but for the chance to geek out over their perfect fantasy football team. They’ll spend hours keeping up with their favorite players making sure they make the best draft picks for the week.

Pantone Colors

When new Pantone colors get released you can bet that our creative team will know about it. They’re known to have multiple books of Pantone colors ready and waiting for the next design project so they can truly match our clients’ needs.  Have you seen the Pantone color of the year?  It’s called Greenery 15-0343.

 Cooking Recipes

It’s not rare to walk into our creative department to see a fresh batch of cookies laying on the table; and not just any cookies, but flavors like caramel chocolate chip and pumpkin. Lucky for us, there’s more than one cook in the office and we often drool over the cakes and yummy potluck items that get brought in for our parties.  Our cooking employees enjoy experimenting with their recipes and hardly ever make something the same way twice.

Consumer Research

Some employees at the agency love to stick their heads into pages of consumer research reports.  It’s always best to dig deep in understanding your client’s target market whether it be for targeting the right audience for media buying purposes or for creating the perfect TV commercial that relates to the exact needs of the consumer.

Star Wars

There’s even an agency-wide, geeky love of all things Star Wars. You’ll find Yoda residing downstairs at Quarter Moon Productions, employee-made posters hanging up throughout our personal offices, as well as a few framed prop memorabilia pieces to be featured in future charity auctions. We even celebrated the release of the latest Star Wars movie, Rogue One, by having the entire agency and our partner agencies attend a premier showing of the film last December.

About The PM Group: The PM Group was founded in 1988. Over the past 30 years, the agency has continued to grow and is currently listed as San Antonio’s Largest Advertising Agency by the San Antonio Business Journal. The PM Group’s client roster spans numerous industries including automotive, CPG, entertainment and sports marketing, legal, business services, nonprofit, real estate and fitness. In addition, the agency hosts an annual Charity Gala every February that to date has raised over $2.5 million for local San Antonio area nonprofit organizations in the last 15 years! It is our way of giving back to the community that we so humbly serve.

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