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The Boomerang Club

The PM Group "boomerang club"



In business, it’s a good sign when employees want to work at your company. It’s an even better sign when former employees return to work for your company after leaving to pursue other career interests, an endorsement of sorts of a great work environment and culture.



Over the years, we’ve had quite a few employees leave and return, hence the term ‘The Boomerang Club’. I count myself as a ‘Boomerang’, working at PMG for nine years, leaving for three to be a CMO at another local company, only to return to the agency. It’s been five years since I came back and I can honestly say I am happy I did. During the three years I was at my other position, I experienced career growth that has served me well upon my return.



While we hate to see employees depart, being a ‘Boomerang’ has its benefits. Often through a departure, an employee learns new skills, grows and then returns with a refreshed and expanded skillset which further benefits the agency as a whole.



Currently, between The PM Group and Noisy Trumpet Digital & PR, we have six ‘Boomerangs’ – Cesar, Marion, Daniel, Rob, Elizabeth and myself.



“During my time away, I learned and/or improved my skills in technology, website development, and CRM campaigns, along with mastering the challenges of international marketing, where campaigns were translated into different languages and cultures,” stated Marion Dewall, SVP Creative at The PM Group.



“Ultimately, I returned because I missed Fran, Bob, and the people here. We share a common drive, work ethic, sense of community, and sense of team work.  You hear those words a lot in business today, but at PMG it’s genuine.  Everyone who stays here continually contributes, works hard, and helps each other. I really love that. I feel the culture here brings out the best in people, which makes people happier with themselves,” continued Dewall.



It’s a testament to the Agency’s culture and sense of family that employees feel comfortable and confident returning to our family of companies, often as their ‘last job’. Our employees are like family. It feels good to have our team members return to us to bring their skills and creative energy back home!



Put another way, “‘the grass may look greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it,’” our CEO/Founder Bob Wills is often heard saying.



Fran Yanity

President/Chief Operating Officer

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